Thursday, 23 August 2012

aku hipokrit..hahahaha

aku terjebak dalam cinta lagi .? oh my god..

sayang...sayang giler kowt..setelah 4 thun lebih..hahahaha...

lame dah x update blog,tup2 bukak cite sal cintan cintun lak..hahahahaha..tah paper jer an...aku saje tulis kat cni sbb kat cni la tempat paling selamat utk aku luahkan memandang kan si dia x taw ape belog ak :D dah le terlepas kasi twitter kat die leh jer kowt bace paper dalam twitter aku..adesss..bengap lak seketika..hahaha *oke2 diam..

name? ntah...aku tnye die kat syah jer..hahahaha..acctually die penah kasi taw aku,tp aku x ingat lorhh..dah 4 thun lebih plak...pdhal jmpe baru 2 famous skang DDJ..hahahaha :D

arini nk cite tntang betapa hipokritnye aku...
siyesly,aku sangat2 sedih pasal td..die soh aku delete pic die..aku ngat die happy..huhuuu....aku cakap kat die aku cool n x sedih n x terasa..hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..bodo nye aku..hahahaha...aku wat cm2 sbb aku nk die pk aku ok je...padahal aku rase nk nangis sangat2 taw x!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha..aku xnak die kate aku over ke ape...hahahaha..siyes..aku xnak jadi paper yg buruk lagi..on the spot aku delete tros pic die..n tukar cover lain kat FB..hahahahaha.. *mata berair.. :'(

aku jeles laa..ramai ske die..aku nih ape lah yg ade.. :( aku sayang sngat2 kat die...setelah 4 tahun baru aku dapat die...xkan aku nk sia2 kan penantian aku nih.. :( aku sedih sangat2 aaaaaa.... :( aku nk jadi cool je la.. :( aku nk die selesa ngn aku..aku taw die dapat rase perubahan aku lepas die cakap cm2 td,tp aku malas la nk mengaku..lg pon die kan manyak kawan pompuan,siap ade yg menangis pasal die lagi...aku nih dah le td x angkat2 call die,n die cm bengang,xkan aku nk tmbah kebengangan die...huhuhu...

it's complicated..aku taw die sayang aku...

aku xske sangat pasal die ngn si no 1 n no 3..bleh die kate aku no 2...aku xtaw la nk kate cmner...die gurau ke? atau die maksudkannye?? ok fine die mang mampu.. :( f*ck!!!!!!!! aku bukan jenis org yg ske kongsi2 lar!!!!!!!aku kuat jeles!!! aku nk ko jadi hak milik aku sorang je la gile!!! paham x!!! nape aku berubah walopun aku xske??? argghh....sayang pnye pasal,makan hati pon sanggup...

cm2 ke aku skang???

sincerely,i hate those suckers who's desperate enough to be with you although they know that u have me!!! :'(
please dear,i love u so much...more then others...4 years waiting for this moment,and i WON'T ruined it just because of them.


Sunday, 12 August 2012

mintak tolong korang buleh x??? 

kawan2...silalh follow blog support my friends... hope to hear from all bloggers n my radio yang dah nk naik..hope dapat sambutan...tolong2 sebar sekali k.. thanx all :D

Thursday, 9 August 2012


i had a fight with my best friend...shit..i dont even know how to treat feels like i want to kick her..sakit hati biler kiter dah cakap tp die cm xpaham,2..then die kate cakap straight to the point??!! what the f***!!!!!!!!! i cant stand a girl with this annoying attitude ok...bullshit....
aku mang seorang yang panas baran...aku akan jadi bertambah panas kalo ade orang yang x paham bahase..but everybody knows,my temper was not long...i am a patient person too..n iknow how to give forgiveness to others..others doesn't mean means those who ask for my forgiveness only..

hey..just say sorry and apology accepted la!! is it so hard to say sorry ?????

ok..i think i dont need to say anything... hope u know what is the real problem is..

annoying.. =.=

that's all for tonight's updates..bye all :(